Why is there an accent on the E ?

About Béautiful Numbers

Who is Béautiful Numbers ?

Béatrice LORIOT 2018 JUIL_Beautiful Numbers

I created Béautiful Numbers in 2016.  Béa..trice…Béa..tiful numbers! Voilà the reason why there is an accent.

Graduated in « Performance controlling and management – option Financial controlling », I teach Marketing as well @Cnam and Paris Ynov Campus on the following topics : Strategic and operationnal planning, Kpi’s and Roi, Marketing and BI, Growth Hacking, Tableau Desktop.

What makes Béautiful Numbers unique:

  • Over 15 years experience in Marketing Ops and a proven track record working with iconic B2B  International IT companies, such as VMware, SAP, BusinessObjects, Cartesis. I have  participated to the creation of numerous marketing plans and budgets. Therefore, I have developped the best methodology to help Béautiful Numbers customers.

  • My best practices and marketing processes & tools expertise will help me quickly adapt to your environnement.

  • I speak numbers and tell the story behind your marketing data.

  • I help company of any size create the best plan and budget. Small – very small – companies need a perfect plan as well !

  • I am a Tableau Software specialists which we dedicate for marketing performance.


 Change the way we look at marketing, and by extension at marketers, so that they are recognised as essential partners in the company's growth.

Prove marketing contribution enables marketers to be recognised as credible and reliable partners. Their alignment with sales and finance is immediately improved!

Therefore, I offer support based on 3 axes

> 1.Build a plan and a budget 300% aligned on Strategy. Start from scarch and forget for a minute what you’ve always done.

>2. Optimise your organisation and processes to gain agility and efficiency. Are resources and knowledges available for your succes?

>3. Define your own indicators and ensure your data is reliable to finaly unveil your marketing value

My Happy Customers:



Centraliser ou décentraliser les marketing ops

Centralise or decentralise Marketing Ops

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Marketing Ops is not Marketing automation

Pour cette rentrée 2021, je vous propose de nous retrouver autour d’une série d’articles dédiés aux Marketing Ops et  d’aborder les sujets suivants: Quels sont les rôles et responsabilités des Marketing …